Guide for submitting presentation file of the accepted articles Noteworthy are researchers whose articles have been "secondary accepted"; It is necessary to send the final version of the presentation file (speech or poster) of the article by October 13, 2023. 2023-10-05
Last extending the time of submission For the last time, the deadline for sending papers has been extended until August 22, 2023. 2023-08-01
Conditions for participation of researchers and authors in the conference Researchers and authors can participate in-person or virtually in "The 7th International Conference on Internet of Things and Its Applications". 2023-07-25
Call for Papers The 7th International Conference on the Internet of Things and Its Applications (IoT2023) will be hosted by the Faculty of Computer Engineering at the University of Isfahan in October 2023. The conference organizing committee cordially invites all researchers, academics, students, and professionals from industrial and service companies with experience in the field of the Internet of Things to participate and contribute to this event. 2023-06-07
The Topics of the Conference were Announced. The 7th International Conference on Internet of Things and Its Application (IoT 2023) covers a wide range of topics related to the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological foundations, its applications and impacts, and its challenges and opportunities. The conference topics are organized into 14 tracks, each focusing on a specific aspect of IoT. 2023-04-23
Paper Submission is Open now! The 7th International Conference on Internet of Things and Its Application starts working. 2023-04-21